
Last update: May, 2023

This section contains hundreds (eventually thousands) of scanned pages from journals archived since September of 1979.

The journals are filled with sketches, doodles, drafts of letters, bits of computer code, dreams, commercial design ideas, storyboards, and the occasional bit of whining.

Entries were not made daily, so there may be gaps of weeks, months, or even years.

There has been no filtering or editing.

Many of the journal pages are boring, some are interesting, and a few are downright embarrassing.

As of May 2023 there were 15 completed "books". So far, only six have been scanned and uploaded to this site.


Example Pages

The original 20.5cm x 27.0cm pages have been scanned and archived at a resolution of 2410x3180 pixels. The pages uploaded to this site have a maximum width or height of only 800 pixels.

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